How to Avoid foot odor when Wearing Single Shoes

Foot odor in shoes is very embarrassing. Many people like to wear single shoes in spring and summer. Foot odor is common when wearing single shoes. Many people don’t like to wear socks when wearing single shoes. The phenomenon of foot odor is even more serious. 

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What to do if your feet are stinky in single shoes

1. Put a small bag of quicklime in the shoes (a desiccant often found in foods such as snow rice crackers).

2. Tear the grapefruit peel into small pieces and put it in the shoes.

3. Put your feet in hot water at 50 to 60 degrees Celsius several times, 15 minutes each time, 1 to 2 times a day.

4. When washing your feet, add 10 to 15 ml of rice vinegar to the water. After mixing thoroughly, soak your feet for about 15 minutes, once a day, for three to four days, and the odor will disappear.

5. When washing feet, add 50 grams of alum in hot water and soak for about 10 minutes to remove foot odor.

6. 15 grams of Pueraria lobata, grind into fine powder, add 15 grams of white wine, add appropriate amount of water, wash the feet after decoction, once a day, after a week, can remove the foot odor caused by foot sweat.

7. Before going to bed every night, use a cotton ball or cloth with a small amount of alcohol, and evenly apply it to the rubber and sneakers that have just been taken off. Wait until the next morning to dry before putting it on. Soak in white vinegar at 9 degrees for about 30 minutes a day, and then let it dry naturally. It is best to use glass instruments. Generally, the water level is better than the surface of the feet, and persist for about one month. After two weeks of persistence, the shoes will not smell.

8. Take appropriate amount of dehydrated alum or dry lime powder, pack it in a small cloth bag, and put it in your shoes every night before going to bed.

How to avoid foot odor when wearing single shoes

1. The inside of the shoe is a confined space, it is easy to become wet due to sweat. If you wear the same shoes for several days in a row, these shoes will not stay dry, which will easily cause bacteria to multiply and eventually lead to odor. In order to prevent this from happening, after returning home, you should put your shoes in a well-ventilated place, or use a hair dryer to dry your shoes thoroughly. If you really don't have time, you can spray the inside of your shoes with a door deodorant.

2. Occasionally sprinkle some salt in canvas shoes to absorb sweat and deodorize.

3. Drop geranium essential oil directly into the shoes, or put a cotton ball moistened with lemon essential oil to remove the odor inside the shoes. (For the feet that often wear shoes or sports shoes, a few drops of warm water with a few drops of tea essential oil can deodorize and sterilize.)

How to deodorize the smelly feet when wearing single shoes

1, baking soda deodorization method

Pour the baking soda powder you bought directly into the shoes and spread them flat on the bottom of the shoes. Because soda powder absorbs water quickly, it can quickly absorb sweat from the shoes and achieve the purpose of rapid deodorization.

2, alcohol deodorization method

First prepare a clean paper towel, then pour a proper amount of alcohol, and finally knead the paper towel into a ball and put it in the shoes. Place it in a cool place for about half an hour, and wait for the alcohol to evaporate to achieve rapid deodorization.

3, white vinegar deodorizes hair

First, pour the white vinegar into the prepared watering can, and then evenly spray it in the shoes, wait for the white vinegar to evaporate completely, and then achieve the purpose of rapid deodorization.

4, the deodorizing method of grapefruit peel

Peel the fresh grapefruit, fill the shoes with the grapefruit peel, and let it stand overnight to achieve the purpose of rapid deodorization.

5, coin deodorization method

Put a few coins in the shoes, and let them stand for one night. The smell of the shoes will disappear the next day. This is because there are copper ions in the coin, which can effectively slow down the growth of bacteria. It can also achieve the purpose of rapid deodorization.

6, tea deodorization method

Wrap an appropriate amount of tea leaves in paper towels, put them in the shoes, and let them stand overnight to achieve the purpose of rapid deodorization.

What are the reasons for smelly shoes and shoes?

1. Humid environment: The soles of the feet are a sweaty environment. The density of sweat glands on the soles of the feet is 2 to 4 times higher than that of other parts of the body. There are about 250,000 sweat glands in total, which can secrete nearly 500 ml of sweat per day, which is easy to cause a large number of bacteria and molds to grow.

2. Sultry and confined space: When the shoes are tightly worn and the ventilation is not good, the PH value of the skin surface will change from the original PH4.4 to about PH7, and carbon dioxide gas will be released. The environment is most suitable for the growth of certain bacteria on the soles of the feet.

3. Bacteria reproduction: Why do feet smell? In fact, moist environment and enclosed space will cause the growth of foot skin bacteria. These bacteria decompose skin keratin, and the urea and lactic acid components in foot sweat, forming odor Various metabolites of flavor.

4. Mold reproduction: The hot and humid environment will cause mold to grow and form foot odor, commonly known as Hong Kong foot.

5. Too thick old keratin: Too thick old keratin, under the infiltration of sweat, will become a source of nutrients needed by bacteria and molds, promote the proliferation of bacteria and molds, and worsen the formation of foot odor.




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