"Customization" and "Fashionization" are the core of Future Sneaker Design?

About the beauty and ugliness, good and bad of design, almost everyone will have different opinions, and the same is true in the field of sneaker design. It can be said that sneaker design, like other design fields, is produced by the cross and interaction of subjective and objective factors. Because of this, there will not be any "conclusive conclusions" in all aspects of sneaker design.

However, as the number of people concerned about sneaker design and sneaker culture has continued to increase in the past 10 years, with the breakthrough "evolution" in the sneaker design field itself during this period, what has changed in the field of sneaker design in the past 10 years? What is the future trend of sneaker design? These issues will also become the focus of attention of consumers and the Sneakerhead community. This time we invited 5 senior people in the field of sneaker design to give them their answers through their professional perspectives and opinions.

——Shoes that changed design trends after their birth (1999-2009)

The changes in sneaker design are not only limited to the ten years from 2009 to 2019, so five professionals first selected the shoes in their minds that have been advanced since their birth and changed the trend of sneaker design.

—— The shoes that best reflect the design trend of the decade (2009-2019)

The current sneaker products launched by major brands can maximize the current popular design elements and trends, so five industry insiders have also selected their own shoes that can reflect the design style of the 2009-2019 period.

—— Shoes that can lead future trends

The changes in sneaker design trends in the past ten years from 2009 to 2019 have been "dazzling." Does the existing sneaker design have a more advanced concept or can lead the future sneaker design trend? Five industry insiders also made their own choices.

As the "creator" of a pair of sneakers, designers Robbi, Helen and Ziv who personally participated in the design and production of sneakers can be said to be "first-line workers" in the field of sneaker design. To understand the changes in the field of sneaker design in the past 10 years, their experience and ideas may be worthy of our reference.

—— Robbie Fuller thinks the keywords of current sneaker design

How has the overall trend of sneaker design changed in the 10 years from 2009 to 2019?

Robbie Fuller: I think it is the last ten years that the change in sneaker design has evolved from elitism to democracy. In the first half of this decade, product designers (not traditional footwear designers) introduced new modern technologies and concepts to sneakers, turning footwear into practical works of art. This has also caused sneakers to become too perfect and too serious. So in recent years, sneaker design needs "non-professional" people to bring new ideas to create new things. The evolution of the brand's attitude from only accepting professional designs to tolerating non-professionals in the past decade has made this decade an important moment in the history of sneakers.

Is this change revolutionary and trans-epochal to sneaker culture?

Robbie Fuller: This trend will transform sneaker culture from rational consumption in the past to impulse consumption in the present. In the past, consumers bought sneakers because of their performance and their own needs. Now consumers will buy sneakers because of the designer's influence.

What are the factors causing this change?

Robbie Fuller: Because this era has created more "personal heroes", ordinary individuals have the opportunity to become opinion leaders in various fields. When these opinion leaders are combined with sneaker culture, their own influence influences the trend of sneaker design.

If the overall trend of sneaker design is constantly changing, what are the constants?

Robbie Fuller: The essence of sneakers will not change. Their essence is still to serve sports, so sportsmanship will always run through the field of sneaker design. In addition, the pursuit of product quality and craftsmanship will always be the core of sneaker design.

If you were to design a pair of sneakers that could represent the time period from 2009 to 2019, what elements would you add? Which styles are incorporated?

Robbie Fuller: I can't draw you a pair of sneakers that represent the period from 2009 to 2019. But nowadays designing sneakers is no longer something that a designer or team can accomplish. Nowadays, designing sneakers needs to consider marketing, development, brand image, retail and other links. If possible, I would like to combine the top thinking in these fields to create a pair of sneakers.

As an "industry person", can you boldly predict the overall trend of sneaker design in the future?

Robbie Fuller: I think the disruptive trend for my industry in the future will be that design becomes more "democratic". Designers and teams with ideas will accept the brand's invitation to become the brand's decision-maker when designing new products. . The independently designed designs and ideas that we see on Instagram today may be put into practice with the help of brands.

—— Helen Kirkum thinks the keywords of current sneaker design

How has the overall trend of sneaker design changed in the ten years from 2009 to 2019?

Helen Kirkum: I think that around 2009, sneakers represent the progress of material technology and a progressive design aesthetics, but in recent years sneaker designers and design teams are adopting a DIY design trend to adapt ideology, fun, and adaptation The elements of sex combine with each other.

Is this change revolutionary and trans-epochal to sneaker culture?

Helen Kirkum: Today's sneaker design trends allow sneaker culture to always be people-oriented, but the truly revolutionary and trans-epochal "design evolution" may be brewing. If we can continue to use the power of design to create reusable sneakers Products, to solve environmental problems from a macro perspective, it will be a revolution.

What are the factors causing this change?

Helen Kirkum: The most important and valuable change is that the designer hopes to change consumers' perceptions of products and to change the meaning of consumers' "quantity of purchases". Today's customized DIY enables consumers to adapt and influence the products of designers and brands, and have personalized products in different ways.

If the overall trend of sneaker design is constantly changing, what are the constants?

Helen Kirkum: The constant is that sneakers are always the carrier of culture. Wearing and owning sneakers in this culture not only reflects your own identity, but also tempers and changes yourself.

If you were to design a pair of sneakers that could represent the time period from 2009 to 2019, what elements would you add? Which styles are incorporated?

Helen Kirkum: Obviously I will reuse the materials that can be used on old shoes, while avoiding the use of glue and other materials that damage the environment.

As an "industry person", can you boldly predict the overall trend of sneaker design in the future?

Helen Kirkum: I think the trend of sneaker design is becoming more personal and personalized, and consumers want to participate in it. I will not give a specific shoe type or color scheme. I think this is more of a human touch, whether it is punk, radical, or humanistic.

—— Ziv Lee thinks the keywords of current sneaker design

How has the overall trend of sneaker design changed in the ten years from 2009 to 2019?

Ziv Lee: It seems that the design of sneakers is not just suitable for a certain sport. Sneakers are already a fashion, and the design trend of sneakers is also developing towards fashion.

Is this change revolutionary and trans-epochal to sneaker culture?

Ziv Lee: Yes, of course. Nowadays, you can see many luxury brands and fashion brands that combine the midsole and outsole of sneakers with slippers, and even dress shoes. This has never been seen before. Obviously, this is a revolutionary and trans-epochal design trend.

What are the factors causing this change?

Ziv Lee: I think it's the change in consumer perception of sneakers that has created a change in design trends. In the past, consumers' perception of sneakers was that they could only be used for sports, but now everyone knows that wearing sneakers can also become a fashion and lifestyle.

If the overall trend of sneaker design is constantly changing, what are the constants?

Ziv Lee: For me, everything can be changed, from design trends, cultural background, functionality...

If you were to design a pair of sneakers that could represent the time period from 2009 to 2019, what elements would you add? Which styles are incorporated?

Ziv Lee: If it is my design, I will still stick to my own practical style, like many of my previous works, incorporating design elements that are easy to wear and practical.

As an "industry person", can you boldly predict the overall trend of sneaker design in the future?

Ziv Lee: Many consumers want to have a pair of their own exclusive sneakers, so I think the trend of sneaker design in the future is more customized. Maybe in the future, consumers will design their own sneakers.



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